Thematic folder
En français, c'est chouette (Manitoba)
This thematic folder brings together the three En français, c'est chouette folders, which contain fun activities aimed at developing literacy, numeracy and identity-building in young children and students.

Resource Details:
Resource title: En français, c'est chouette (Manitoba) - Petite enfance .
Resource type: folder
.Thematic folder
This folder contains fun activities aimed at developing young children's literacy, numeracy and identity-building skills.
Levels :
Kindergarten .
Subjects :
Demonstrating Literacy Behaviours, Demonstrating Mathematics Behaviours

Resource Details:
Resource title: En français, c'est chouette (Manitoba) - 9 à 12 ans .
Resource type: folder
.Thematic folder
This folder contains fun activities designed to develop the literacy, numeracy and identity-building skills of students aged 9 to 12.
Levels :
Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6 .
Subjects :
Français, Mathematics

Resource Details:
Resource title: En français, c'est chouette (Manitoba) - 5 à 8 ans .
Resource type: folder
.Thematic folder
This folder contains fun activities designed to develop the literacy, numeracy and identity-building skills of students aged 5 to 8.
Levels :
Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2 .
Subjects :
Français, Mathematics, Demonstrating Literacy Behaviours, Demonstrating Mathematics Behaviours