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S1 E3
The population of Casselman, 85% French-speaking, has quadrupled since 1975. Over the years, the people of Casselman have been enriched by the many cultural influences from here and elsewhere and have become well established in the modern world. But many villagers feel that the integrity of the village and its French character have been weakened by all the real estate and commercial development of the last few years. They want to take steps to preserve its culture and heritage. Sylvain Charlebois, for example, is directing a major stage project, entitled 'Francoscénie - L'Écho d'un peuple', which aims to tell the story of the origins of the region's Francophones.
Études canadiennes et mondiales Études sociales, histoire et géographie Communauté et environnement Géographie (Études sociales, histoire et géographie) Histoire (Études sociales, histoire et géographie) Patrimoine et identité Orientation et carrière Sciences humaines et sociales Psychologie, sociologie et anthropologie
French level:
Études canadiennes et mondiales Études sociales, histoire et géographie Communauté et environnement Géographie (Études sociales, histoire et géographie) Histoire (Études sociales, histoire et géographie) Patrimoine et identité Orientation et carrière Sciences humaines et sociales Psychologie, sociologie et anthropologie
French level: