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Le goût et l'odorat

Smell... as natural as breathing. 16 times a minute you inhale air that passes through your nose and fills your lungs. Billions of molecules travel through your nasal passage and are captured by the cells of your olfactory organ. But you think you don't have a great nose... Your sense of olfaction is however much more developed than you imagine. In your genetic code, 400 genes make the receptors for your sense of smell. You are capable of smelling billions of billions of perfumes... Yes, your nose is capable of incredible feats. Today, men and women are working on the senses of taste and smell to understand their powers. They are uncovering mysteries that, from our conception to our adult life, reveal a fabulous potential. Tomorrow, your nose will help you to cure your illnesses, to fight against pain, to reduce your stress, to facilitate your exchanges, to feel safe, to learn, to improve your well-being. All these incredible powers will be in your hands. It is up to you to discover them!