NIP! is an animated series in which we follow the hilarious adventures of Nicolas Imbeault-Parent: NIP to his friends! A slightly naive teenager, NIP is introduced to responsible finance by Ruby Cashon, a financial advisor who doesn't hesitate to give her young apprentice the straight goods. Composed of short, punchy vignettes, NIP is committed to demonstrating the basics of economics in a quirky, colourful humour. Through this series, young people will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health of their personal finances with confidence and competence, while making connections with the world around them. First investments, over-consumption, virtual money... the topics covered in PIN! are thought-provoking and provoke rich discussions in class and at home. Young listeners will be able to make connections between the adventures of NIP and situations in their daily lives, and will exercise their critical thinking skills to make informed decisions in their own lives about economics and finance.