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Faire respirer la ville

Modern cities are crumbling under the weight of cars and concrete buildings, creating urban landscapes where trees and green spaces are increasingly rare. However, it is possible to leave more room for nature in our cities to improve the quality of life. This is what Michel Labrecque in Montreal, Geoffrey Cape in Toronto and Lindsay Cole in Vancouver are trying to do. In the years to come, Lindsay Cole will continue to change the face of his city. Geoffrey Cape will be able to walk more in woodlots that he has planted with his own hands or that others have planted with his help. Michel Labrecque will ride his bike in a city where there will be more and more cyclists, like him, and fewer and fewer cars. What does it take, in short, to make the city breathe? A few innovative projects, the means to implement them and, above all, men and women who have the will to go all the way.