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(Capsule) Gail Joly, Chargée de projets communautaires pour les Premières Nations, Métis et Inuits a

Teaching Tools

After graduating from Louis-Riel public high school, I continued my post-secondary studies at Collège La Cité in the Rehabilitation Techniques and Criminal Justice program. As a teenager, I was convinced that I wanted to work in the prison environment, but after the birth of my children, I discovered my own culture, that of the Siksika, one of the three nations that make up the Blackfoot Confederation. Thus, my personal and professional journey allowed me to reappropriate my culture. Today, I work at La Cité College at the Mino Madji8in Center, a center for indigenous students; in the evening, I am a mental health counselor for a crisis line for the First Nations, Metis and Inuit. By pursuing my quest to constantly develop my skills, I am studying at Saint Paul University in human relations and spirituality with a minor in conflict studies. All of my work and learning is essential so that I can give back to my community.