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Sauvons les abeilles

Ontario and Quebec are the two Canadian provinces most affected by the decline in pollinator populations, both wild species and honeybees.

Whether due to disease, parasites, pesticide use, loss of biodiversity or increasing monocultures, one thing is certain: beekeepers play an important role in saving bees.

In Timmins, Ontario, René Bertrand is motivated by this important cause. Concerned about the rapid decline in bee numbers across the country, he founded the Timmins Ecological Beekeeping Association to help the beekeeping industry.

The goal of this organization is to promote ecological beekeeping through awareness, education and research to enable ecological beekeeping to flourish in a northern environment. René shares his passion for bees and the need for such a dedicated bee sanctuary in Northern Ontario.

In Vaudreuil, Quebec, Claude Vinet is a seasoned beekeeper who has always worked with the health and well-being of his bees in mind. For over 30 years, he has been dedicated to his profession, devoting his life to the prosperity and preservation of pollinators. For him, beekeeping is more than a business, it's a passion and a way of life.